Parenting is Not For the Faint of Heart

Well, especially for twins. I’ve been going on and on about how overwhelming it was to be a first time parent to twins. Nayj and I still had a lot to learn and there are times when we feel like its not enough if we are raising twins with just the both of us.

Nowadays, getting them to sleep is a struggle. Sure, breast is best but on this phase of my breastfeeding journey, breast sure is tortured when both of your twins prefer to use it as their pacificer. At. The. Same. Time. When one twin nurses and the other twin sees it, that other twin would want to nurse too. Or else, they’ll cry. They are also especially clingy at night for a couple of weeks now that I feel like when I go back to night shift, the struggle is real again to put them to sleep without me. I sure am not ready for things to come.

Nayj and I have been missing out on the part where you want to spend your family time with just yourselves and without your yayas. Sometimes I wish I can experience that when I see couples in the mall with just one baby and handling it all by themselves. I booked a staycation on the eve of their birthday and I was hoping that by that time, we can spend it as a family alone. However, I realized, it is not easy as we think. Living at home with two babies is not a walk in the park. There are moms who can do this and I salute them 100% but how I wish I am that hands on. I worked right after their third month so I admit that there are tasks on their upbringing that I no longer do when we hired two yayas. I don’t prepare their food, I don’t bathe them or give them their vitamins. I only prepare what clothes they will wear but everything are done by the yayas from the diapers, to their baon, their bottles of water, and all the reminders of things I have not prepared yet. Nayj and I can’t do it with just ourselves when we are out. That’s why I also give credit to both of our yayas when taking care of our twins as they have contributed a lot on their first year. Sure, the cost of hiring two yayas are so expensive but the extra pair of hands are very helpful.

Sometimes, Nayj and I also quarrel when both twins throw a tantrum or when we are both tired. Nowadays, they prefer to walk while holding your hand and it gets draining. They even want to go up and down the stairs with you for a few consecutive times! I honestly don’t know where they get their energy. Or they just want to go around the house. For us as working parents, even when you’re tired at work, we still want to spend time with them and I know they are also looking forward to spend time with us before they sleep for the night. When I work nights, I don’t think I even get a decent sleep in the morning because I constantly wake up when I hear them cry.

I sometimes consider us as super parents because of the twins. It feels like being a parent of a singleton baby has always been so easy because of how weve been raising the twins for almost a year. But I can’t say that yet. I am not sure if we’re already on that level. We’re trying though! Parenting twins sure takes a village and we are always thankful for people who are willing to help even with the smallest of things. It’s not for the faint of heart, it’s not an easy task but personally, it is the most rewarding when you see your babies smile and get all excited when seeing you coming home from work. Time flies, in a couple of days, they’ll be turning a year old and they’re not babies anymore (huhu). Seeing them grow up is an achievement that I’ll forever be proud of. I won’t ever get tired on telling people, “Yup, those are my twins,” with my head held up high.